Umbrella Companies | Are you 35 to 55 And Self Employed? Look Here...

Are you 35 to 55 And Self Employed? Look Here…

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to visit Umbrella Companies. If you are aged 35 to 55 then keep reading, because…

We have a very important message for you.

Firstly, can we just clear up any confusion about the nature of our blog. NO we do NOT sell umbrellas and we don’t blog about Umbrellas. If you are looking for umbrellas, go elsewhere. This message is for…

Self Employed People Only.

So if you are between 35 and 55 and self employed then listen up, because a recent “official” survey shows us quite clearly that 45% of people in your age group that work for themselves…

Don’t have any pension.

At this point you might be saying “who cares?” You are young and care free no doubt, and retirement seems like a distant memory in the future. Think about this though. In 35 years time, at the age of 70, you might find yourself saying the words…

“Do you want fries with that, sir?”

Your only option will be to get a job at McDonalds because you don’t have a pension. Now, don’t misunderstand us…there is nothing wrong with working at McDonalds and here at Umbrella Companies we think McDonalds is great. However, wouldn’t you prefer to be…

Sitting on a beach or playing with your grandkids at 70?

At that point in your life do you really want to be clocking in and clocking out, or still having to find clients and customers? Wouldn’t you prefer to be on the golf course or in the garden or watching the TV or down the bingo hall? If you answered yes, then your next step is simple…

You must sort out your pension immediately!

We know…it all sounds a bit boring doesn’t it, and you are probably saying “I will sort it out next year,” but do you know what? Next year never comes. Just ask the 70 year old who is working at McDonalds…he kept saying “next year,” for 40 years. Which brings us to the next point…

You can’t rely on a State Pension.

If that is your backup plan then you are in for a rude shock. The amount the government gives you goes down with each passing year, while the age they give it to you goes up with each passing year. In 10 years time the age for a State Pension could be 70, and in 20 years time 75. Your next step is simple…

You MUST sort out a self employed pension immediately. Don’t waste another second.

Or just ignore this and give Ronald McDonald a call in 35 years. He will be waiting.

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